
Application configuration can be handled via many ways described here. Most common way to do it is via appsettings.json file available in src/eru.WebApp and it is our most recommended way of doing it.

Sample appsettings.json

  "Serilog" : {
    "Using" : ["Serilog.Sinks.Console", "Serilog.Sinks.File", "Serilog.Sinks.Seq"],
    "MinimumLevel" : {
      "Default": "Information"
    "WriteTo": [
      {"Name" :  "Console"},
      {"Name" :  "File", "Args" :  {"path" :  "../Logs/log.txt", "rollingInterval" :  "Day"}},
      {"Name" :  "Seq", "Args" :  {"serverUrl" :  "http://localhost:5341/"}}
    "Enrich" : ["FromLogContext"]
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "Database": {
    "AutomaticallyMigrate": true,
    "ConnectionString": "Host=myserver;Username=mylogin;Password=mypass;Database=mydatabase;"
  "UploadKey": "V3ryS3cureUpl0adK3y",
  "CultureSettings": {
    "AvailableCultures": ["pl", "en"],
    "DefaultCulture": "pl"
  "Admins" : [
      "Username" : "admin",
      "Password" : "s@mpl3P@ssword"
  "Paths": {
    "WebAppPathBase": "/",
    "SeqUiPath": "http://localhost:5341/"
  "PlatformClients": {
    "FacebookMessenger": {
      "VerifyToken": "sample-verify-token",
      "AccessToken": "sample-access-token"


Seq is recommended way of accessing logs! More details.

Logging configuration. See more here: serilog configuration.


The host headers that are allowed to access the web pages. See here for more details.


When AutomaticallyMigrate is set to true the database will be set up during the boot of application. Otherwise database setup with dotnet ef database update -p src/eru.Infrastrcuture -s src/eru.WebApp from root folder is required.

Application uses Postgre DB. Use valid connection string!


Upload Key

Key that will have to be provided in order to upload new substitutions.

Culture Settings

All input in this section must be a valid ISO language code.

Available cultures shouldn't be changed unless you create a new translation for application.

DefaultCulture can be set to on of AvailableCultures.


All provided here accounts will be able to access hangfire and admin dashboard.


WebAppBasePath sets the base path for the application. Read more here. NOTE: WebAppBasePath SHOULD MATCH reverse proxy path on proxy server (for instance, http://myproxyserver/eru should be a proxy to http://myeruserver/eru). If you're not using reverse proxy, you probably can leave it as in sample config.

SeqUiPath is used by admin dashboard to provide easy access to logs. You should set it to address accessible outside the local network.


Store for data used by Platform Clients.

Facebook Messenger

VerifyToken sets the verify token used by the Facebook Messenger Platform to verify a webhook. See more here.

AccessToken is the authorization token used by the Facebook API and can be obtained in application panel. See how here.